
Help For CFOs Are Here

Donald Field
September 9, 2022

CFOs are being hit by escalating costs on all sides.

In most cases, they can understand and mitigate those costs. But skyrocketing cloud costs are a black hole they find hard to tackle. Cloud bills are so complex that even the best CFOs need a senior web specialist to help understand them so they can track costs properly to measure their returns.

As a result, visibility into these invoices has become critical as cloud costs take a larger share of IT budgets. With better understanding where dollars are being spent, CFOs can have more meaningful and productive conversations with their CIOs. And they can educate the CIOs on the costs of certain features and whether they are truly required. So the company benefits not just from lower costs but also from increased communication between teams.

Bottom line: Indiscriminately cutting cloud costs to lower your bill doesn’t work.

Understanding where to cut and why is the smart approach to cloud spend. Fortunately, simple web apps are available to assist both the CFO and the CIO to meet the goals of lower spend, better utilization, and increased visibility.

See How Much You Can Save.

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